Our Boats What to Fish? Where to Fish? Services Rates
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Hotel Cuna del Angel
Sportfishing - Dominical - Costa Rica
Sponsored by Williamson - Home of World Class saltwater fishing tackle

Where to fish?

The Furuno Bank is located 23 nautical miles from Dominical and the Caño Island is about 30 nautical miles. This strategic position is the main advantage in comparison with the main fishing destinations.


Therefore, we are the first to reach the lonely Furuno Bank and move south to the banks close to Caño Island, when the other boats from Quepos start to arrive. Then we are able to fish in almost virgin areas all day long.

For every fishermen the advantages mention before are very important to be consider in order to achieve their expectations.


SportFishing - Dominical - Costa Ballena
All rights Reserved - Hotel Cuna del Angel - Costa Rica 2007

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